Find first dates on Everydate

Minimize your first-date jitters by doing a fun activity together. Establishing that you have one shared interest or passion in common is a great start for any relationship.

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Everydate App - Discover Screen

First Date Ideas

See what other singles are suggesting for their first date

Once you come up with your own idea, you'll be able to see what others have in mind for their first date. Quickly browse through profiles and pick those dates you like. You'll be able to see more information about others once they accept your like.

First Date Ideas

Your Profile

Express yourself with a full profile and your date idea

This is your chance to stand out and come up with a great first date. You can always use our guide for some help.

Enhance your profile with an introduction and a few personal questions so that others are more likely to engage with you.

Everydate App - Profile Screen
Everydate App - Activity Screen

Manage Likes

Check who liked your date idea, while browsing through ideas you liked

You have full control over who you decide to engage with. Once you see someone's full profile, you can choose to accept someone's like through a reply or simply skip it. As for the date ideas you liked, you can see the other person's first message to decide if you want to reply and start a conversation.



Start making plans for that first date!

Once you've accepted someone's like, you can start a conversation and get to know your future date.

Everydate App - Messages Screen
Everydate App - Feed Screen

Social Dating

Check out our dating Feed!

This section is for sharing your dating experiences, while helping others with advice, opinions, and discussions.

  • Share articles on helpful dating tips and information.
  • Create a poll on any dating or relationships subject.
  • Start a discussion by asking a dating question.
  • Share a funny or just interesting story from your dating life.
  • Humorous but tasteful memes or pictures related to dating are also allowed.
Dating Feed
